Discover grand and rugged mountain ranges, spectacular wildflower displays, a wide range of outdoor recreational opportunities, and a wealth of Aboriginal rock art sites in the Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park.
The way they are
The Grampians are a series of five spectacular sandstone ridges running north to south with steep and craggy slopes on the eastern side and gentler slopes to the west. They are the result of earth movements lifting and tilting the hard sandstones to create an impressive landscape of peaks and valleys. There are lookouts with stunning panoramic views as well as a number of impressive waterfalls.
Stunning in spring
Come between August and October to see the colourful spring wildflower displays in the park, with heathlands enlivened with striking shows of Grampians Boronia, Blue Pin-cushion Lily, and a multitude of other herbs and shrubs. The park is also home to a profusion of native animals and birds. You can find kangaroos, koalas, emus, wedge-tailed eagles and more.